27. July 2011 私のスケッチブック My sketch book has those characters often. Frog : Are those doodling drawn by real art university student? Nyankichi- Sensei : There are many kinds of art in the world.....too difficult for me. My favorite character is the one has hair. Connect to Facebook tagPlaceholderTags: いろいろ, 2011, 2011年7月 Write a comment Comments: 2 #1 カオリ (Wednesday, 27 July 2011 05:52) 超可愛いと思います。みるとなんだか、心がゆるむ。 #2 yamagatayuki (Thursday, 28 July 2011 02:49) ゆるんでくださいました?わーい。ありがとう。もっとかこうかな。
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カオリ (Wednesday, 27 July 2011 05:52)
yamagatayuki (Thursday, 28 July 2011 02:49)